Hotel Booking Procedures for ECNL Phoenix - 2015

Reach 11 Complex on Friday, November 13th to Sunday, November 16th, 2015

Use the "Featured Hotels" or "All Hotels" to view approved hotels for this event.

You have 48 hours from the time we sent your notification email to use the information provided to select 3 hotel choices for your club/team.  If you do not require the full 48 hours please submit the required information ASAP and we will expedite the process.  Important - You will not be allowed to make reservations until the Club before you has completed the process and the Club's behind you will not be allowed to reserve unless you have surpassed the 48 hour window.

Step 1: Submit an email to Maverick Sports notifying us of your top three choices and the amount of rooms you are seeking to reserve.  To do so please click on the "Submit Hotel Information," button located at the top right of the page (If you need to edit your list, click on one of the hotels you selected and click update selection button).

As soon as we receive your email we will; #1. Confirm the hotel's availability and, #2. Provide you with the contact information for the designated booking agent for that hotel.  Do not attempt to contact the hotel until we have provided you with the necessary information.

Once you receive the contact information from Maverick we will remove those rooms from the inventory and you will be required to contact the designated booking agent to complete the process.  Make sure to inform the hotel contact you are participating in ECNL Phoenix 2015 to receive the discounted rate(s).  (FYI - It is best to set up one "Team Reservation" with the hotel contact and then have each parent reserve via a link provided by the hotel or by rooming list.

Please note:

  1.     Do not contact the hotel until we have provided you with the designated contact's information.
  2.     If your club is not ready to make reservations for the ECNL Phoenix and you need more time please let us     know. We will not hold a place in line but we will be sure to help you when you are ready.
  3.     All players, parents, and team personnel must be included in your team reservation. There is only one           exception: staying with friends or family in the area is allowed.
  4.     Using Hotel points, rewards, and discounts such as AAA, are not allowed.
  5.     Online reservations through travel websites such as Travelocity and Expedia are not              allowed. Reservations can only be made through the designated hotel contact at an approved hotel.                                            

Important – Team Managers, Coaches, and Travel Coordinators are responsible for the above process being followed by all parents and team associates. Please be sure to pass this information on to whoever is handling your team's travel.

All reservations must be completed by Friday, October 9th, 2015.

If you have any questions or if you need any information on hotels, please call Ty Smith at 619-920-1972 or email